Poplar Rose Woke Up. Activist Falsely Accused And Cancelled. Shattered and Lost Everything

Poplar Rose a lifelong Canadian activist who dedicated herself supporting marginalized people, Poplar never thought she would be accused of racism. But when a group of people on the Facebook Community she started falsely called her a racist without any evidence, everything changed for her.

Poplar an herbalist and witch had dedicated herself to helping people.  She was active in Green Peace, the First Nations communities, Shutting down drilling, even traveling internationally to confront her governments officials policies, amongst many other causes.  

Poplar was inundated with accusations and hate messages from many people  some she didn't even know. She lost her significant Facebook Group, blogs, her business, and her reputation. Her friends and support community turned their backs on her and completely Cancelled her. With very little support, she felt completely alone, filled with despair and brokenness.

Poplar had been falsely accused of racism, and the damage done was profound. She lost everything that she had worked so hard for, and she was left penniless and homeless. She felt like her life was over.

But Poplar didn't give up nor give in to her suicidal ideations. She retreated to the woods, where she spent a year away from social media and the world that had betrayed her. She spent her time reflecting on her life and trying to find healing from the profound betrayal she had experienced.

In the woods, Poplar discovered a new sense of peace and purpose. She realized that she didn't need material possessions or social status to be happy. Instead, she found happiness in the simple things, like the beauty of nature and the kindness of strangers.

As Poplar began to heal, she also started to reconnect with her activist roots. She realized that even though she had been falsely accused of racism, she could still use her voice to make a difference in the world. She started volunteering working with youth and working with marginalized communities, and using her own experiences to help others who had been falsely accused.

Poplar's journey was long and difficult, but in the end, she emerged stronger and more determined than ever. She had lost everything, but she had also found a new sense of purpose and meaning in her life. And she knew that no matter what happened, she would always be an activist at heart, fighting for the rights of marginalized people and standing up for what she believed in.

She has also found healing in becoming in being a mother and Doula embracing the beauty of life.  Poplar now refers to Cancel Culture as Woke Bullshit and no longer participates in this nonsense. 

Poplar's email address is andigracerose@gmail.com
Poplar Rose Woke Up. Activist Falsely Accused And Cancelled. Shattered and Lost Everything
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