Annabella Woke Rockwell Up | Critical Social Justice Ideology At Elite Women's College Crushed My Soul And Primary Relationships

Annabella Rockwell a brilliant, loving, and highly trained athlete, left home to attend a prestigious east coast woman's university.  She was enthused by the incredible experience she was given and deeply admired both the school and her elite professors. 

She was immediately encountered with Critical Social Theories whose messaging was ubiquitous.  Her experience and subsequent brainwashing seduced her to embrace the Critical Social Justice, where she saw all structures and relationships through the lens of the oppressor/oppressed (victim) dialectic.  

Race and Queer theories were both part of her social culturalzition where the students were encouraged and celebrated to explore both queerness and lesbianism as well as to affirm this exploration and coming out amongst one another.   

In particular Annabella latched onto Critical Feminism and was convinced all women including herself and her family were subject to the Patriarchy that kept all women in bondage.  Part of the praxis of the duty of the cult was to bring awareness to her family of friends of her perceived evil and for them to embrace her worldview . 

Her mother and grandmother in particular, did not share Annabella's new found religion which caused anger and resentment from Annabella.  As time passed her family no longer recognized Annabella, as her personality had changed and she sunk deeper into mental bondage.  As the family was torn apart, Annabella chose to cut her family our of her life. 

Shattered, Melinda, Annabella's mother contacted a cult deprogrammer as it was apparent to her Annabella was now part of a Cult.  Melinda was discouraged there were to be no easy solutions, however she persisted in educating herself, counseling and much prayer. 

For many years and distance from her primary relationships, Annabella self medicated with drugs and alcohol.  After getting clean Annabella, realized what had happened and returned to God and her family and has been fully restored, leaving behind for good the destructive cult. 

Annabella's compelling story has received national attention through several media outlets including The New York Post and Tucker Carlson.  

Annabella and Melinda are now dedicated to helping others trapped in the ideology as well as loved ones decimated by it. 

Annabella Rockwell:  Contact information:
Melinda Rockwell:  Contact Information:
Annabella Woke Rockwell Up | Critical Social Justice Ideology At Elite Women's College Crushed My Soul And Primary Relationships
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