Birdy Rose Woke Up. The Famous Artist Birdy Rose, Betrayed and Brutalized By Her Former Woke Friends

Former Leftist, The Famous Artist Birdy Rose, details the emotional devastation she experienced when her Woke friends turned on her, emotionally brutalized her, and canceled her.  The Woke mob then turned their attention to her fiance,  having him canceled as well.  

For years she has suffered abuse only for expressing herself through non-offensive art.  Her interview provides profound insights into how the Woke targets individuals and the cruel tactics they use to force the submission of their targets.  In addition, she provides insights as to why the Woke is so effective in silencing anyone they attack.  Finally, you will understand why people now self-censure and how freedom of expression, speech, and thought are all under attack in the West.  

The interview is a call to action for all of us to push back on the Woke's mindset and behavior.  A Woke Horror story from across the Pond.    Please support her art.
Birdy Rose Woke Up.  The Famous Artist Birdy Rose, Betrayed and Brutalized By Her Former Woke Friends
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